Tuesday 20 January 2015

Made a Logo!

I made a simple logo for a story that I'm working on right now. It was untitled until yesterday, lol. I figured that I should give it a title, since I've been working on it for quite a while. I decided to name it Scented Dream. For now, the story is...haha *nervouslaugh*... It'll be a while before I can finish it, considering that my work is hectic right now. I don't even have time to draw sprites. *sigh* Rather than focusing on sprites and logo, I should focus on writing. I've done some, but I need time, and the only free time for me is on weekend. So in a month, I only have 4 writing days. For me, that's not enough. Here's the logo that I did. Not the best but it still looks like logo to me, lol.